Over the past few years I've really gotten into the Detroit techno sound. Beyond the deep dive into the Deepchord/Echospace sound, we're talking the "real" techno sound of Detroit - industrial, hypnotic, spaced out, raw, urban techno that somehow elevates the soul and mind in spite of - or because of - its environment.
I never used to understand it (never really took the time) but as I've gotten older and have dived into the back story and the roots of the sound I've become fascinated with the sound and get it.
Aaron Carl was one of those who represents the Detroit ethos. I came to this one through the back door via the remixers on this re-issue from the MOM label.
It is doubly good as it contains the vocal version of the original track as well as remixes by Rod Modell and Quantec, two very representative staples that inhabit the dub techno universe, each providing their signature sound to the original track.
It is doubly good as it contains the vocal version of the original track as well as remixes by Rod Modell and Quantec, two very representative staples that inhabit the dub techno universe, each providing their signature sound to the original track.